
3 Details To Know About Snow In Seconds From Shark Tank

Like some other creative “Shark Tank” products, Snow in Seconds might seem like magic to those who don’t yet know how it works. Indeed, the company’s fake snow gets pretty close to the real deal, and some are no doubt wondering how exactly the product manages to replicate real snow so well. In truth, it’s a relatively simple process. The fake snow is a synthetic polymer that starts out in a dry, powdered form. When the dehydrated grains of powder are exposed to water, they absorb a massive amount (roughly 100 times their size) and quickly balloon in volume, approximating the fluffy look and feel of snow.

Perhaps the most surprising element of Snow in Seconds is that it actually mirrors the cold nature of snow, even when used in conditions where regular snow would quickly melt away. Per Snow in Seconds’ explanation in the frequently-asked-questions section of its site, the snow stays cool due to a constant process of evaporation that regulates the temperature. When the fake snow eventually does “melt” after a few days, it simply returns to its dehydrated, powdered form and can be repackaged and reused.


Elina Uphoff

Update: 2024-06-01