
EXCLUSIVE: Q&A with pop vocalist Lerumo

Lerumo is a Boston based pop singer/songwriter and producer who recently released a new EP called Twentyone Rebel. The EP is made up of five genre-bending tracks, including the European hit ‘Mister Poison’. With a musical style which is very much true to himself, Lerumo is destined for big things.

We recently got to quiz Lerumo about Twentyone Rebel as well as his plans for the future.

Hey Lerumo, thanks for speaking to us today! Congratulations on the release of your EP, Twentyone Rebel. What was the inspiration behind the songs on the EP?

Thank you so much. The inspiration behind the EP was to have fun being different. I wanted to do something no one expected of me. The music is a reflection of my fun side because I like switching it up. Keeping it fun is my aim.

Each track showcases a fusion of different sounds – would you say that the EP title is a reflection of your rebellion against sticking to one particular genre of music?

They do indeed, and why yes that is exactly what the EP title reflects.

We’re loving ‘Trippin’ in particular – which track is your favourite?

Thank you so much. My favorite track has to be either ‘Replaceable’ or ‘Mister Poison’. They mean so much to me by their meanings and what they represent to me. They’re very personal. They were influenced by real people in my life.

How was the writing and recording process for the EP?

The writing and recording process for the EP happened so smoothly. First I wrote ‘Mister Poison’ with Tejai Moore and then after every other song came. They all fit with each other hand in hand and that’s when I came up with the name Twentyone Rebel.

The EP includes ‘Mister Poison’, which reached the top 10 in Europe. How does it feel to have your music recognised globally?

Yes it does and the feeling is breathtaking. All my life, I’ve fell victim to criticism on why I chose to make pop instead of rap. So many people never understood my vision, but I stuck to what I loved doing. Now to see it happening, makes me so proud. Now all I have to do is keep it coming and keep having fun. It’s all about the enjoyment.

You also filmed a music video for the track. What was that experience like?

I did film a visual and it was an amazing experience. I hired a cinematographer by the name of Gary Kostik to come shoot the vision I had written down and we collectively made it come to life. Me directing, being behind the scouting, and casting was amazing. I definitely want to keep directing my own visuals. I like to keep the concepts new without diluting character.  

Are there any plans to release videos for any other tracks from Twentyone Rebel?

Yes, I actually will be wrapping up the shoot for ‘Replaceable’ in the next two weeks.

What do you hope people will take from Twentyone Rebel?

I hope people will take this; that “In life if you follow your heart, it will lead to happiness. Don’t worry about recognition because the purest music will be heard. Be you. Always be you.”

Your sound is fun and upbeat, which is guaranteed to sound awesome live. Any plans for a tour or live shows?

Thank you so much. I have a live show in Houston Texas on March 12th. I do plan on touring when the time is right. Until then, you can catch me popping up, who knows? I might be in your city next.

What’s next for Lerumo in 2017?

What’s next is keeping up the music and videos. Seeing where it takes me, and keeping positive energy. It’s all about the vibes.  

Thank you to Lerumo for his time! Twentyone Rebel is available now.

Let us know your thoughts on Lerumo and his EP Twentyone Rebel on Twitter @CelebMix


Trudie Dory

Update: 2024-05-29