
Kai Cenat's friend Jiggy responds to rape allegations made by Jovi Pena

In January 2023, TikToker Jovi Pena, who goes by the name Jovilicious online, accused Richy "Jiggy" of raping her at Twitch star Kai Cenat's party. Shortly after the allegations gained traction, the accused deleted his Twitter account. However, he recently returned to the platform and responded to the claims with a video of the alleged incident.

Jovilicious claimed that Jiggy had sexual intercourse with her while she was in an inebriated state at the party. The accused has since denied all of these allegations and released a video of the alleged incident with no sound while telling his side of the story. The video has been removed by Twitter as it violates the platform's rules.

After posting the video, Jiggy tweeted:

"I Chose To Remain Silent All This Time For Multiple Reasons. 1. It was advised by my attorney. 2. I wanted her to fully detail her “account” for that night, so she can’t make anything else up when the FACTS came out. 3. I was not going back and forth with her or millions of people. "I thought clearing my name would be a much quicker process but it clearly wasn’t. 5. I wanted to see how she was gone act after she said all that. Definitely not like no victim 6. I just simply didn’t know what was to come."

However, Jovilicious has doubled down on her accusations, saying the video is proof that the rape happened because she was under the influence and was in no position to give consent.

"Post the audio so they can hear me crying": Jovi Pena wants Jiggy to post unedited video to prove she was raped

Considering Jiggy is Kai Cenat's friend, the popular Twitch streamer's name has become tied to the scandal. Allegations against the Streamer of the Year for hindering a potential investigation also started doing the rounds on social media.

While things have been quiet since Jovilicious provided her side of the story with pictures and DMs to prove her allegations, a couple of days ago, Jiggy finally responded to the allegations by denying most of them. In a series of posts and clips on Twitter, he denied having had any form of non-consensual intercourse.

His denial was summed up in the two tweets below, where he categorically listed the allegations and claimed they were lies.

Jiggy categorically denies all allegations (Image via @richyjiggy/Twitter)

Among the many tweets that Jiggy posted to establish his innocence is the video of the alleged incident. His decision to release an edited version of the video with no sound has caused further debate around the authenticity of his claims.

Jovilicious even outright challenged him to provide the unedited video to the public and the police, alleging that he had removed the audio because she was helplessly crying at the time. In a direct reply to his tweet, she wrote:

"Post the audio so they can hear me crying"
The alleged victim wants Jiggy to release the unedited video to prove her claims (Image via @thejovipena/Twitter)

The Instagram model also called Jiggy sick for filming the alleged rape, labeling him a "dirty roach" for not turning in the video to the police as evidence. Per a screenshot being shared on social media, the accused refused to upload the video.

The Instagram story where Jiggy allegedly claims he will not be releasing the video (Image via @richy_jiggy/Instagram)

Social media reactions

Here are some general reactions to the situation on social media:

Redditors debating the alleged video (Image via r/LivestreamFail/Reddit)

Twitter had mixed reactions. Some individuals sided with Jovilicious, while others thought she was lying:

Here's a full breakdown of what went down in January, with Kai Cenat caught in the crossfire.

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Elina Uphoff

Update: 2024-06-01