
Matthew McConaughey: Ive lost 38 pounds, I feel good now its 90 percent diet

As we’ve discussed a few times now, Matthew McConaughey has lost a lot of weight over the past few months. He was doing it on purpose – he’s playing a man dying of AIDS in The Dallas Buyer’s Club. That’s also why he’s got a big mustache too – the story takes place in the 1980s. Matthew hasn’t said a lot about his weight loss or his new career trajectory, in which all of sudden Matthew suddenly seems to be picking interesting roles in good films. But Matthew just sat down for a new interview with HitFix to discuss his crazy weight loss, what he wants to eat when he’s finally done filming The Dallas Buyer’s Club, and what he thinks about his Oscar buzz for Magic Mike (for real!). You can read the whole piece here, and here are some highlights:

How much weight he’s really lost: “I’ve lost 38 pounds. I feel good now. Overall, probably got 35 percent less energy, but there’s been plateaus, like getting past 170 was really hard, but then once you get [to] 167 the next seven come off easy. Getting passed 160, really hard. But then you fly down to 150. Getting passed 150 was really hard and then, bam! Got down to 143 and that’s where I want to be. So, once you get passed the plateau, your body seems to understand, ‘O.K., this is where we’re leaving now, this is where we are’ and so the energy rises.”

How he lost the weight: “I’m doing cardio but I’ll tell you what, the more I’ve learned is – and I think it comes with age too – is it’s 90 percent diet. It’s 90 percent amount and then what you’re eating because right now I’m not losing any more weight if I burn 1,500 calories, two hours of cardio in an afternoon, or if I don’t. It doesn’t matter. It’s a matter of how much I eat or how little I eat.”

He’s less hungry now: “Oh, yeah. Even if I’m lying to myself, you know. Your organs [and] muscles shrink, your organs shrink [and] my stomach has shrunk as well. So, as much as I can’t wait to have that cheeseburger on the day [shooting ends] it’ll probably be damn hard to eat the whole thing. When that day comes, and it’s coming, I don’t want to be doing this interview at a Pizza Hut buffet, you know? I choose to pick my places where there’s less good smells and temptations, you know? That’s really nice.”

When MM finishes the film, he wants a po boy first, then a cheeseburger: “I will have some 70 percent beef, 30 percent fat ground beef, maybe a half pound cheeseburger with another three types of cheese. I’ll prepare it all and I’ll make sure that it takes three hours just to prepare. I’m going to have buns with butter on both sides, toasted and grilled. I’m going to melt the cheese on the top bun, Hellmann’s Real Mayonnaise. I want kosher dill pickles sliced nice and thin, diced white onions, slightly grilled until they get almost hard, and some thin jalapeno slices. And then I’m just going to sit back and let the [expletive] just drop on the ground.”

On his Magic Mike character, Dallas: “He didn’t consider himself a villain. He’s a poet capitalist who’s looking out for number one first.”

On the Oscar buzz for Best Supporting for his role in Magic Mike: “Well, I mean, definitely excited. It’s exciting. This is the first time I’ve been flown into Los Angeles to do interviews specifically about being a contender as a supporting actor. That’s a new thing and that’s something I’m like, ‘Yeah, right on.’ And it was a role that allowed for that sort of real identity in the form of an expression. It was a wild ride of a guy. It was on the page [and I] had a lot of help creating this guy and bringing him to life. I’m glad it resonated and translated because Dallas is a life force of his own, and he’s not someone – he’s not who I am. But he was sure fun to get in those leathers with.”

[From Hit Fix]

I hate to admit it, but I kind of think he deserves an Oscar nomination for Magic Mike too. He was really, seriously good in that movie. And he’s right, I don’t think he was playing the villain either. Now, do I think he should actually WIN an Oscar for Magic Mike? Probably not. But I would enjoy it if he was nominated.

Here are some newish photos from the set of The Dallas Buyer’s Club earlier this week.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.


Trudie Dory

Update: 2024-05-31