
Release date, details, and more

Valorant Champions 2023 will be the final international tournament of the current VCT season. It will take place in Los Angeles from August 6 to August 26, 2023. The competition will feature 16 teams from EMEA, Americas, Pacific, and China, as they compete for the chance to become VCT World Champions. An upcoming VCT event also means a bunch of cosmetics in the game for fans to equip and enjoy by simply watching the matches live.

The third international tournament of the year will be no different as three drops will be made available for fans to obtain during its running.

Valorant Champions 2023 all Twitch drops: Lowrider Card, Gekko Diff Spray, and Lowrider Title

The Valorant Champions 2023 drops will feature three cosmetics similar to previous events. The third edition will include:

  • Champions 2023 Lowrider Card
  • "Gekko Diff" Spray
  • "Lowrider" Title

These cosmetics heavily revolve around the posh Los Angeles lifestyle, along with Gekko, the Agent who hails from the city. The player card has a clean look, with the titular Lowrider being depicted. The spray includes Gekko making an "L" symbol with a golden VCT jersey.

Valorant Champions 2023 Twitch drops release date

Valorant Champions 2023 drops will be made available as soon as the tournament starts. The first cosmetic, the "Lowrider" title card, will be available from August 6, 2023, to August 13, 2023. All 3 cosmetics require fans to watch a live game to obtain them, similar to the drops in VCT Masters Tokyo 2023.

The spray and player card will drop during the closing days of the event. The Gekko Diff spray will be up for grabs during the Playoffs, between August 16, 2023, and August 5, 2023, while the Champions 2023 player card will be the final cosmetic featured as a drop during the Grand Finals on August 26, 2023.

How to get Valorant Champions 2023 Twitch drops?

Valorant Champions 2023 drops can be obtained by linking your Riot Games account to your YouTube and Twitch accounts, depending on which one you use. To obtain drops while watching the matches on YouTube, the following steps need to be followed:

  • Click on your profile picture.
  • Head over to the settings of your YouTube account.
  • Click on Connected apps.
  • Find and connect your YouTube account with Riot Games.
  • If you are planning to watch the games on Twitch, the following steps will help you obtain the drops:

  • Click on your profile picture.
  • Head over to the settings of your Twitch account.
  • Click on the Connections tab.
  • Find and connect your Twitch account with Riot Games.
  • The final VCT tournament of the 2023 season will be exhilarating as the best teams in the world will fight to become the world champions. Drops will give viewers even more incentive to watch the most important VCT event of the year.

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    Trudie Dory

    Update: 2024-05-29